Monday, November 4, 2013

Post 10

4.  Formulate a research plan that includes:

Statement of purpose (what you hope to show/discover)
·         What process/steps do teachers follow when it comes to their comments on student papers. I wanted to find out what their thought process is behind using specific comments  and whether or not they use those guidelines based on any theories.  

Detailed statement of your research question
·         How do teachers respond/comment to student work? Do they follow a specific process? What are the effects of their comments on their students?

List of the information you need to gather
·         I need to find more scholarly articles
·         I also need to do a final draft of my interview questions so that I can conduct the interviews and start to analyze the data.

Questions for interview
How do teachers comment on student work? Why?
This is Tania Flores Interviewing ________________ the topic is teacher comments on student's work.  
Easy Questions
1. How long have you been a teacher?
2. Where did you go to college?
3. What grade do you teach?
4. Have you taught any other grades?

Medium Questions
5. What made you decide to become a teacher?
6. Did you always know you wanted to be a teacher?
7. Can you recall the most influential teacher you had growing up?...(Why?)
8. What is your teaching philosophy?

More Intense Questions/ Opened Ended Questions
9. What kinds of writing assignments do you usually give your students?
10. Where do you do most of your grading? At school? Home? etc...
11. During which part and/or day of the week does most of your grading happen?
12. Walk me through your thought process when you're about to start grading a paper?
13. Do you have a pattern you follow?
14. Did you always follow this pattern process? 
15. Has your method of grading papers evolved?
16. Do you use a rubric?
17. Do you make margin corrections?
18. Do you give feedback at the end of the paper?
19. What writing device do you use to make the corrections?
20. Do you ever meet in person with students to discuss their work?
21. What is your overall goal in providing feedback and/or correction to students?
22. Do your students follow your suggestions?
23. Do you see improvement from one draft to another? From one assignment to the next?
24. How do you help students improve their writing?

A preliminary list of sources
·         Nancy Sommers Respondng to Student Writers

Plan for gathering your information that includes:
·         who/what you will be studying (for example:. students in a College Composition class, how they think about the comments teachers write on their papers)
o   I will interview 2 to 3 teachers at the school that I am doing my junior field experience.
·         where you will collect your information (for example:. in interviews at Kean University)
o   I will probably do it in person before or after the school day.
·         how many subjects you will study (for example:. 3)
o   2 but no more than 3

what methods you will use to conduct your study (for example:. interviews, textual analysis, discourse analysis)
    • I plan on doing interviews and then transcribing the interview into a word document, where I will analyze the answers obtained.


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