Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rubric self-assessment

20   quality of the research question

20 I think I had a good research question. It was not easy coming up with a question but I talked personally with you a couple of times to help me mold it. 

20   developed categories of analysis relevant to the data and to the research question

19-20I divided the categories into the use of I to We and also incorporated They because it shed light on her parent's discourse community. Although this was an analysis with a focus on A, I think her use of pronouns when referring to her parents also presented an example of the shift or pronoun use and its implications of association to a particular discourse community. I think overall these were good categories because they helped answer the research question.  

15   relevant, effective examples to demonstrate what the categories show with respect to the research question
14-15I tried using examples from the text to support my argument. I showed specific examples and also tallied up all the uses of each category throughout the whole data set. 

15   clear, direct statements of what the examples show with respect to the research question
14Maybe my analysis of each of the examples would have been developed more. 

15   clear, logical organization appropriate for writing studies research essays
14-15 I always start some type of outline, whether in my head or on paper, of what the overall structure of my paper will be. I followed this same process fos this paper. I did an introduction, an analysis of the use of "I" and "We" and "They" with its implications on their corresponding discourse community, and then my overall conclusion.   

10   conclusion  sums up findings and reflects on limitations of the analysis and/or further possibilities for study
9 I summed up my findings but I just realized I may not have addressed the limitations of my analysis. 

5     grammar/readability
4 I am always iffy about my grammar! 

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