Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Blog #24 Final Draft

Tania Flores
Professor Chandler
Final Project
December 17, 13

Teacher Comments:  An In Depth Look at
Current Teacher’s Commenting Practices In An Urban School Setting.

Studying the way teachers comment on student papers is importance to writing studies because its sheds light on ways to improve student's quality of writing. Anyone could compile a reasonable list of guidelines that a teacher could follow when commenting on student writing. Such a lists would most definitely include providing feedback while remembering to be being positive and encouraging. However, effective commenting is much more complex than simply providing encouragement. It is important to study the type of feedback that teachers are actually giving. When it comes to commenting, less is always more. Bombarding students with massive amounts of comments can have a hindering effect on their potential of better writers. The purpose of this study is to investigate if current teachers are applying the expert’s findings on the best teacher commenting strategies in order to become highly effective in helping their students become better writers.
There have been several studies performed in recent years on teacher comments and their effects on student writers. A notable researcher, Nancy Sommers, has performed research studies on this subject matter including the production of a film entitled Beyond the Red Ink. The film portrays college students speaking about their teacher's responses to their writing. Sommers, in her book Responding to Student Writing suggests that teachers often times bombard students with conflicting comments. They point out grammar errors while also telling the student that his or her overall idea in the paragraph is unclear. A teacher must “resist the urge to correct grammar and punctuation errors” in order to allow students to find their own mistakes. On the contrary, it can lead to students feeling confused on whether they should fix the grammar mistakes rather than work on making their ideas clearer. Sommers point out that teachers most often follow the "deficit model", which she identifies as teachers focusing on the wrong, inadequate, and absent in a paper rather than focusing on what the paper actually contains. She goes on to state that teachers should focus on having one purpose while commenting on student writing. In other words, they should focus on one lesson at a time. The teacher should either focus on the grammar or on development of the main ideas. By focusing on one purpose, Sommers hopes that this would turn into a lesson learned by the students. This lesson, according to Sommers, if taught correctly, would be “transported” by the student to future writing piece. Sommers also introduces the importance of creating a dialogue with the students in the process of commenting on their writing as oppose to a monologue, where the only person speaking is the teacher.
Sommers presents a need for varied styles of comments. She encourages margin comments because it shows students that the teacher is being an active reader of their work. The comments are also tailored directly to specific parts of the writing, which is useful when engaging in a teacher students dialogue. Sommers also promotes the use of conferences with students as this serves as the perfect gateways to a conversation. The teacher has the opportunity to give comments while getting feedback from the student on the intent of their writing. During these conferences, Sommers, suggest that students write their own notes. The act of putting suggestion into your own words makes the effect of the comments more meaningful. This also gives students a solid plan of action for the revision and editing process.
Lastly, Sommers discusses the use of a rubric when commenting on student papers as an important component, however, she cautions that it “should not replace teacher commentary or be the only response students receive”. She states that if used correctly, a rubric can make grading an easier task for teachers with “clear assessment criteria”. In order for a rubric to be effective Sommers ask the following three questions:
1.     Are the elements within a rubric specific to the assignment?
2.     Does the language f the rubric form the basis of instruction around the assignment?
3.     Does the rubric clarify expectations and assignment goals?

If the answers to these three questions are affirmative then the use of a rubric can be a useful method to focus comments and avoid subjectivity.

            To begin this study I decided to conduct my research through a series of interviews on current teachers at an urban school in New Jersey. I had access to a school where I was currently completing my junior field experience. I decided that two interviews would be sufficient for the length and time frame allotted for this project. The school has a total of forty-four teachers, most of which I had not had one on one interaction with. Therefore, I requested the opinion of my cooperating teacher in suggesting two teachers who she thought might be willing and able to sit down with me for the interviews. She suggested two teachers; a third grade teacher and a fifth grade teacher. I approached each teacher in person, introduced myself, and introduced the research study. I gave each teacher a copy of the interview questions for them to read before deciding if they wanted to participate. After reviewing the questions, each participant agreed to partake in the study. Meetings were scheduled at mutually convenient times. The questions were designed escalate from easy to medium to more intense/open ended. I wanted to start with easy and medium type questions to open the discussion, so these sections only had four questions each. The more intense and open-ended questions had a total of sixteen questions and were the main basis of the interviews. The first interview was with participant A, a fifth grade teacher, with thirteen years of teaching experience. This interview took a total of twenty-nine minutes and fifty-two seconds. The second interview was with participant B, a third grade teacher, with seventeen years of teaching experience. This interview took a total of sixteen minutes and forty seconds. Both interviews were recorded and transcribed at a later time.  Once the data was transcribed, I analyze it to decode the information into categories. These categories were influenced by Nancy Sommers’ research on the best strategies to use by teachers when commenting on student papers. In some instances, I applied the categories from the data as I analyze it further and found supporting evidence.

Data and Analysis
            The categories that were found in the interview data and influenced by Nancy Sommers’ research were the following:
1.     Offering one lesson at a time and focusing comments to that specific lesson
2.     The use of margin type comments.
3.     Varying the styles of comments.
4.     Resisting the urge to correct grammar and punctuation in an effort to allow students to find their own mistakes.
5.     The use of rubrics.

One Lesson At a Time
            Nancy Sommers cautions teachers of the risk of over commenting. Giving too many comments can be more harmful than good as it can be overwhelming and discouraging.  She writes, “Teachers have to guide and show students through their comments how to become good writers”. This task is easier said than done, which is why she supports the idea of offering one lesson at a time. In the interview with participant A, she stated that in her classroom, while working in a writing assignment, she did in fact focus on one lesson at a time. She stated, “now we’re focusing on the introduction, that’s our main goal…to make that introduction something that people want to read… if my focus is introduction then I’ll read over the introduction and give them positive and definite feedback on that”. This is a clear example of an application of Sommers’ principal. Similarly, participant B stated that her focus when commenting on student writing also follows one focus at a time. She stated, “ I might focus on their opening and closing and really focus and grade them more on that than everything like their punctuation and spelling...If we’re learning how to use quotation marks that week maybe I’ll specifically be looking at their use of quotation marks correctly. So I try to focus on one area.” Again, this is another well-defined example of teachers in today’s school systems applying the concept of focusing their comments to one aspect of the student’s writing.

Margin Comments
Sommers states that margin comments are importance in creating a dialogue with student because they are comments specific to particular sections or sentences in their writing. She write that margin comments is “a place allotted for conversational turn talking-your turn-my turn”.  Although neither participant A or B used actual side margin comments in their process of commenting, they did use a variation of it. For example, participant B stated that she wrote her comments “on a separate piece of paper and I would be writing it as we were going over it. And then the areas to improve... I might prompt some questions to like, if it was part of a story of when they went to school, I might ask them, what happened before I went to school? Or how did you get there? Give them a specific target question to kind of get them to add more detail.” Although these comments are not on the student’s paper, they serve the same purpose of side margin comments because they are directed towards specific part of the student’s writing. Another reason to write it on a separate piece of paper is that participant B’s class in third grade. There is simply not enough space to write clear, and detailed comments on the side margins that are easily read by a third grader. Nonetheless, these comments fit the description of Sommers’ margin comments. Similarly, participant A stated that students in her classroom wrote “their own comments “. Here, the fact that participant A’s students are in fifth grade, accounts for their ability to write the teacher comments in their own words. Either way, participant A, also gives margin “type” comments to her students verbally.

Varied Styles of Comments
            Sommers supports the use of varied methods of commenting. The simple process of student writes, teacher comments, student revises, and teacher grades, is not sufficient or effective to creating better writers. Rather, Sommers encourages that teacher implement different styles to their methods of reaching students with their targeted and focused comments. Both of the teachers participating in this study applied numerous and varied ways of commenting. For example, both utilized the highly effective use of one on one conferencing. Participant A stated “we have conferences, when we start writing they will write their rough draft and we will conference. We will talk about their writing.” Similarly, participant B statedwhen we’re working on a writing piece, after we’re done with the 1st draft, I would conference with them, and on a piece of paper I would write their strengths and then the areas that they’d have to work on for revisions. As a researcher I was surprised at both teacher’s abilities to find the time to conference with each student individually, given the fact that each class has close to thirty students. Both teacher indicated that a writing assignment might take them a month to complete from start to finish, however, they implement these commenting strategy because like Sommers, they believe its beneficial in helping their students become better writers.
            Another form of varied commenting was participant A having her fifth grade students write her comments in their own words. Sommers believe that having students “take their own notes” is more effective than the teacher writing the comments herself. Participant A said, “ During the conference, I comment to them verbally, I don’t write anything down…students write their own comments as the conference happens.” Students in both classes walk away from the conferences with a clear and solid plan to execute their revision.
            The last method of varied commenting executed by these teachers was their use of peer review. Sommers discusses peer review on the college level, however these teacher are implementing this style of commenting with third and fifth graders. For example, participant B states that “once [they] have gotten through lots of conferencing with me, so maybe towards March or April…I kind of have them conference with each other. Or sometimes, I’ve even taken the better writers and have them conference with another student and make suggestions, so its cute. I would model what we do, like what I do with them and then [say] you do it now with your classmates.” This form of commenting is great because students gain a different perspective on writing and the writing of their peers.

Resist Urge to Correct Grammar and Punctuation
            This category should not be mistaken with teacher not paying attention to student’s grammar and punctuation, but rather, according to Sommers, students should be giving the opportunity to find their own mistakes. This style of commenting was perfectly exemplified by participant A in her use of students reading their writing out loud. This technique allowed students to hear their own grammatical and punctuation mistakes. She stated, “I’ve had students start reading and they’re like, that doesn’t make any sense, and I look at them and say, if that doesn’t make sense and you’re reading it imagine how I am reading it.” It makes students accountable for their own writing, as they are reading their own work out loud to the teacher. There is no better way of learning from one’s own writing. Participant A went on to add that this has been “a great way to have them catch themselves. They edit everything themselves”.

Use of Rubrics
            Both participants implemented the use of district wide rubrics to assist them in their student commenting.  This rubric is divided into four sections that measure content and organization, usage, sentence construction, and mechanics. Students are given a number grade from one to 5, one being inadequate command and five being strong command (see Chart A). Participant B, who teaches third grade, stated that she wished her students were more conscious of the rubric. However, they do know that their final grade depends on their fulfillment of the rubric components as “for the final [draft], it would be attached to the rubric and then on the rubric they would see, what score they got”.  In contrast, the students for participant A are more aware of the rubric and its use. This is not solely due to the fact that they are older, but rather that their teacher implements two additional rubrics. The first is a simplified version of chart A, which breaks each section into student friendly terms. The four sections assess good opening and closing, that writing stays on topic and ideas are explained with details, mechanics: spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar, and lastly, good variety in sentences and few errors (see Chart B)
Chart A
Chart B

 Participant A makes the rubric more student friendly by using the version seen on chart B because students are able to understand each section and how it measures their writing. Sommers describes the importance of rubrics clearly stating “expectations and assignment goals” which are clearly stated in the second rubric. This teacher, under the guidance of the school principal, went ahead and created a class rubric with the assistance of students (see Chart C below)

Chart C

She explained the process as followed, “I also have a student rubric that they created. And I have them grade their work. A couple weeks ago we got together, and I told them that we needed to create a classroom rubric that they could use on their work. It’s a guideline so they can [use]...they have to take ownership of their work.” By having student make their own rubric, the factors laid out by Sommers regarding rubrics are met. For example, the items in the rubric are specific to the assignments, the language of the rubric is the same as the language used in instruction, and it clearly states the expectations and goals of the assignments from the perspective of the students themselves. This is crucial in solidifying that students understand the way they their work is going to be assessed, therefore making them better writers in the process. 

            The findings of this study were shocking but shockingly good. At the beginning of the study, I was expecting to find minimal, if any, applications of Nancy Sommers’ strategies of effective teacher comments in today’s school systems. The reality was that an urban school was implementing just about all of Nancy Sommers’ strategies. Both participants were conscious in their commenting to focus their comments to one lesson. They did not use orthodox methods of margin comments, but rather developed a system of one on one conferences that far surpasses the positive effect that the best margin comments could ever have. Both teachers were flexible in their use of varied forms of commenting by conferencing, having students write their own notes, read out load, and peer reviews. Although hard, they both also resisted the urge to focus their attention on grammar and punctuation errors, and rather they allowed students to make these corrections themselves. Their use of a rubric has been well thought out and implemented, not only to assist the teachers, but the students too.

Limitations of Study
            As with any study, there were several limitations to this study. First, the study was only conducted with two participants. Further studies could be performed on a larger scale to produce better assessments of teacher’s use of effective comments. The fact that these two participants were from the same school also provided a limitation to the study. These finding can be limited to this specific school, and might not be an indication of other schools within the same district. Another limitation is that this particular school, although in an urban district, does not fit the definition of an average urban school.  It is currently in the final stages of receiving International Baccalaureate accreditation. This is an international program that has its own curriculum with a global approach in mind. Further studies are need to confirm the finding of this study: teachers are implementing Nancy Sommers’ strategies.

Works Cited
Sommers, Nancy I. Responding to Student Writers. Boston: Bedford/st Martin's, 2013. Print.

Blog #23 Data Set B Full

Participant B

TF: How long have you been a teacher?
B: Ummm lets see, 20 years?
TF: really?...whao, i mean you look so young. Okay, umm where did you go to college?
B: I went to 2 years to Rampoo and then when I decided that I wanted to teach, that’s when I transferred to Kean and I graduated from Kean.
TF: And what grade are you currently teaching?
B: I teach 3rd grade. I’ve taught 3rd grade for 17 years and prior to that I did maternity leave in Kindergarten and prior to that I worked in nursery schools and daycare.
TF: So for 3rd grade, you’re an expert! Okay so, what made you decide that you wanted to become a teacher?
B: Ummm I always knew that I wanted to do something to help people, children. In highschool, I worked in a kids clothes store and i realized that I wa more drawn to where the kids play area was and wanted to be with them rather than being the sales person, so I loved interacting with the kids so I knew I wanted to do something with them…

TF: Can you recall your most influential teacher?
B: that’s a difficult one. I don’t think I have one that was most influential. Looking back, it probably was a middle school language arts teacher that was really really strict. And at the period of being in the class, we didn’t really like him but looking back, I can see the many things that he taught me and allowed me to appreciate the different styles of all teachers  and how you need a variety of each type of teacher to teacher different things.

TF: Another loaded question, what is your teaching philosophy?
B: Well I’m sure it developed through the years and just like in our school, that no child, no matter what has the possibility of being successful and learning. And my goal is to take them from where they are and teach them as much as possible in my class and without any kind of excuse.

TF: Okay so my focus on this study is a writing studies class with a focus on how teachers comment on student work.
B: okay

TF: What kind of writing assignments do you give your students?
B:  Ummm well we have a variety. We have a free writing in a journal. I have a  fun Q&A book that has fun type of questions where they have to answer  like what is your favorite thing to do on a weekend and a variety of questions where they can just write for them. They write for 10 minutes straight without me looking at punctuation where they can get writing done. And then we have writer workshop where we work on, and in preparation for NJASK, where they are required to write a speculative writing piece and then also an explanatory piece. So throughout the year we focus on that.

TF: Okay now where do you find that you do most of your grading? At school or...
B: ...for writing I usually do it at home. Yeah, I do it outside because it takes a lot of time.

TF: Do you find that you have a specific place within your home that you use to…
B: Well I have a comfy chair and do it there.

TF: ummm and during which part of the day, or weekdays or weekend do you find that you do your grading?
B: Well I like to get that back, especially since we have writer’s workshop 2 to 3 times a week, so I usually do it during the week. Yeah, something like that I want to give back to them sooner so we conference.

TF: now you said for writing its usually at home, so do you do the other grading here?
B: Umm yeah you need more time and its a more relaxed  environment. I mean to read 27 essays takes a lot longer.

TF: Ummm can you walk me through the process of grading papers?
B: For grading the paper? or revisions?
TF: for grading the paper
B: Reading the paper, we have the rubric that we have to use.
TF: is that the same rubric that 5th grade uses?
B: Ummm is a five section rubric?
TF: I think so…
B: I can give you a copy of ours. But yeah, I would use a rubric to score it.

TF: Do you have a pattern that you follow?
B: Well usually we focus, we pick one of the focus areas in the rubric, i might focus on their opening and closing and really focus and grade them more on that than everything like their punctuation and spelling. So like today we’re going to focus on creating exciting beginnings. I’ll really be looking at how they started their essay.

TF: Are you targeting your comments?
B: It would be like the mini lessons. If we’re learning how to use quotation marks that week maybe I’ll specifically be looking at their use of quotation marks correctly. So i try to focus on one area.

TF: Do you confrence?
B: Yes

TF: Can you walk me through your process with the students and the conferences?
B: When we’re working on a writing piece, after we’re done with the 1st draft, I would confrence with them, and on a piece of paper I would write their strengths and then the areas that they’d have to work on for revisions. For example, I mean something its hard to find a strength, but I will say, I love the detail about what your bedroom looked like or a strength might be that I loved how you used figurative language, or this was a great vocabulary word and I would specifically write which one, so they know what things they are doing, good and bad paper. Or you pull all the periods in the right place.

TF: Is all this on a separate piece of paper?
B: Yeah this is all on a separate piece of paper and I would be writing it as we were going over it. And then the areas to improve, the 1st thing, because its so hard for them to do revisions, you know, they know the editing to look for punctuation and spelling, so I might prompt some questions to like, if it was part of a story of when they went to school, I might ask them, what happened before I went to school? Or how did you get there? Give them a specific target question to kinda get them to add more detail. And then I would have them, after I had them work on a couple of aread I’d want them to improve, maybe I might say, add more detail on your last paragraph or the ending, write a better closing, or change good and find a better vocabulary word, like I’ll give them specific things to do.

TF: So are they reading their paper?
B: they are reading to me and then they will go back to their seat with their essay and their revision paper I gave them with their strenghts and then they could work  on that and we would kind of meet again. Then I would go over editing. Look at their spelling.

TF: Sounds like its side margin comments, but since they are in 3rd grade, its not so little.

TF: for the final draft, what kind of process do you do?
B: So for the final, it would be attached to the rubric and then on the rubric they would see, what score they got. And then on that I might put a comment like “oh I love the way you changed your closing” or “this was such a great vocabulary word”, “ I was really able to picture when this happened”. I want to be able to give some type of positive feedback on the final draft.

TF: Has your method of grading papers evolved?
B: Ummm Im sure it has. Specifically when I first started, we didn’t really have the rubrics to work with. That has changed, you know, using the rubric and having something there. Its still so hard because its part of being objective. Ummm...yeah, and there has been so many more expectations put on them from when I started. Now its really, you know, they have to be at least 3 paragraphs, you need to do this this and that. So, I’ve definitely had to put higher expectations on them and expect more from them.

TF: Do you find that the rubric helps you focus on what to look for?
B: Yeah, it does.

TF: Do you ever have them read their own work?
B: Ummm yeah, once we have gotten through lots of conferencing with me, so maybe towards March or April, then yeah, I kind of have them confrence with each other. Or sometimes, I’ve even taken the better writers and have them confrence with another student and make suggestions, so its cute, I would model what we do, like what I do with them and then you do it now with your classmates.

TF: How many students do you have in this classroom?
B: 27
TF: How do you find the time to conference with 27 students?
B: Its really difficult. I mean lucky if I have other teachers in here like the special education teacher, but a writing assignment can take over a month to finish, so yeah, it takes a long time.

TF: How long are the conferences? However long it take them to read their work?
B: I mean, like 15 mins, but even in a class, during workshop time, I might only conference with 3 or 4 students. So yeah, it usually takes about a month.

TF: What is your overall goal in providing feedback to the students?
B: Well my goals is for them to know what things they are doing well and to continue to do that. But really, the hardest thing is to get them to add detail. So my goal is to like, when I am questioning them, look at their next draft to see that they are trying to add detail by trying to answer the kind of questions that I ask them during the revision.

TF: Do you find that your students do follow your suggestions?
B: A few of them. The self motivated students do. Others you still kinda have to prompt. They have trouble elaborating. Like if you ask them, what color was it? they might just say red, rather than adding more sentences.

TF: We’re in Nov, do you see a progress from Aug to now?
B: Definitely, and its a hard transition because they are so literal in 2nd grade. And this is the year where you try to get them to think outside the box and understand figurative language. So i’m starting to see it now, but its hard at the beginning of the year because they take everything so literal, but I am seeing some progress. My student teacher just did a whole poetry unit with them so they started to give the reader a clearer picture of their mind, some figurative language, so I am seeing some progress.

TF: overall, how to do you try to get your students to become better writers?
B: Expose them to a lot of literature. I know last year I saw a big difference. We do guided reading and they're kind of short chapter books, and then once I went into the chapter books, and then I saw, just encouraging them to read and as they read better text and richer literature they see what good writing looks like, and then they’re better able to apply it. Definitely being exposed to a lot of different types of literature and then just writing everyday. I mean in order to become a good writer you have to write.

TF:  Do you find that the rubrics help them?
B: they don’t use them as often as I’d like. They do know, i mean they do understand how you need the opening and the closing so I think it does help them, but I think also, because the expectations are so high for the NJASK it takes so much away from them to write creatively just to like writing. Its so formatted. You need a beg, you need three supporting details, and you need a closing and i feel like its just a template that they’re putting information in and I think it stifles their creativity to write. Thats why i do that journal writing.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Blog #22 Data and Analysis

Data and Analysis
            The categories that were found in the interview data and influenced by Nancy Sommers’ research were the following:
1.     Offering one lesson at a time and focusing comments to that specific lesson
2.     The use of margin type comments.
3.     Varying the styles of comments.
4.     Resisting the urge to correct grammar and punctuation in an effort to allow students to find their own mistakes.
5.     The use of rubrics.

One Lesson At a Time
            Nancy Sommers cautions teachers of the risk of over commenting. Giving too many comments can be more harmful than good as it can be overwhelming and discouraging.  She writes, “Teachers have to guide and show students through their comments how to become good writers”. This task is easier said than done, which is why she supports the idea of offering one lesson at a time. In the interview with participant A, she stated that in her classroom, while working in a writing assignment, she did in fact focus on one lesson at a time. She stated, “now we’re focusing on the introduction, that’s our main goal…to make that introduction something that people want to read… if my focus is introduction then I’ll read over the introduction and give them positive and definite feedback on that”. This is a clear example of an application of Sommers’ principal. Similarly, participant B stated that her focus when commenting on student writing also follows one focus at a time. She stated, “ I might focus on their opening and closing and really focus and grade them more on that than everything like their punctuation and spelling...If we’re learning how to use quotation marks that week maybe I’ll specifically be looking at their use of quotation marks correctly. So I try to focus on one area.” Again, this is another well-defined example of teachers in today’s school systems applying the concept of focusing their comments to one aspect of the student’s writing.

Margin Comments
Sommers states that margin comments are importance in creating a dialogue with student because they are comments specific to particular sections or sentences in their writing. She write that margin comments is “a place allotted for conversational turn talking-your turn-my turn”.  Although neither participant A or B used actual side margin comments in their process of commenting, they did use a variation of it. For example, participant B stated that she wrote her comments “on a separate piece of paper and I would be writing it as we were going over it. And then the areas to improve... I might prompt some questions to like, if it was part of a story of when they went to school, I might ask them, what happened before I went to school? Or how did you get there? Give them a specific target question to kind of get them to add more detail.” Although these comments are not on the student’s paper, they serve the same purpose of side margin comments because they are directed towards specific part of the student’s writing. Another reason to write it on a separate piece of paper is that participant B’s class in third grade. There is simply not enough space to write clear, and detailed comments on the side margins that are easily read by a third grader. Nonetheless, these comments fit the description of Sommers’ margin comments. Similarly, participant A stated that students in her classroom wrote “their own comments “. Here, the fact that participant A’s students are in fifth grade, accounts for their ability to write the teacher comments in their own words. Either way, participant A, also gives margin “type” comments to her students verbally.

Varied Styles of Comments
            Sommers supports the use of varied methods of commenting. The simple process of student writes, teacher comments, student revises, and teacher grades, is not sufficient or effective to creating better writers. Rather, Sommers encourages that teacher implement different styles to their methods of reaching students with their targeted and focused comments. Both of the teachers participating in this study applied numerous and varied ways of commenting. For example, both utilized the highly effective use of one on one conferencing. Participant A stated “we have conferences, when we start writing they will write their rough draft and we will conference. We will talk about their writing.” Similarly, participant B statedwhen we’re working on a writing piece, after we’re done with the 1st draft, I would conference with them, and on a piece of paper I would write their strengths and then the areas that they’d have to work on for revisions. As a researcher I was surprised at both teacher’s abilities to find the time to conference with each student individually, given the fact that each class has close to thirty students. Both teacher indicated that a writing assignment might take them a month to complete from start to finish, however, they implement these commenting strategy because like Sommers, they believe its beneficial in helping their students become better writers.
            Another form of varied commenting was participant A having her fifth grade students write her comments in their own words. Sommers believe that having students “take their own notes” is more effective than the teacher writing the comments herself. Participant A said, “ During the conference, I comment to them verbally, I don’t write anything down…students write their own comments as the conference happens.” Students in both classes walk away from the conferences with a clear and solid plan to execute their revision.
            The last method of varied commenting executed by these teachers was their use of peer review. Sommers discusses peer review on the college level, however these teacher are implementing this style of commenting with third and fifth graders. For example, participant B states that “once [they] have gotten through lots of conferencing with me, so maybe towards March or April…I kind of have them conference with each other. Or sometimes, I’ve even taken the better writers and have them conference with another student and make suggestions, so its cute. I would model what we do, like what I do with them and then [say] you do it now with your classmates.” This form of commenting is great because students gain a different perspective on writing and the writing of their peers.

Resist Urge to Correct Grammar and Punctuation
            This category should not be mistaken with teacher not paying attention to student’s grammar and punctuation, but rather, according to Sommers, students should be giving the opportunity to find their own mistakes. This style of commenting was perfectly exemplified by participant A in her use of students reading their writing out loud. This technique allowed students to hear their own grammatical and punctuation mistakes. She stated, “I’ve had students start reading and they’re like, that doesn’t make any sense, and I look at them and say, if that doesn’t make sense and you’re reading it imagine how I am reading it.” It makes students accountable for their own writing, as they are reading their own work out loud to the teacher. There is no better way of learning from one’s own writing. Participant A went on to add that this has been “a great way to have them catch themselves. They edit everything themselves”.

Use of Rubrics
            Both participants implemented the use of district wide rubrics to assist them in their student commenting.  This rubric is divided into four sections that measure content and organization, usage, sentence construction, and mechanics. Students are given a number grade from one to 5, one being inadequate command and five being strong command (see Chart A). Participant B, who teaches third grade, stated that she wished her students were more conscious of the rubric. However, they do know that their final grade depends on their fulfillment of the rubric components as “for the final [draft], it would be attached to the rubric and then on the rubric they would see, what score they got”.  In contrast, the students for participant A are more aware of the rubric and its use. This is not solely due to the fact that they are older, but rather that their teacher implements two additional rubrics. The first is a simplified version of chart A, which breaks each section into student friendly terms. The four sections assess good opening and closing, that writing stays on topic and ideas are explained with details, mechanics: spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar, and lastly, good variety in sentences and few errors (see Chart B)
Chart A
Chart B

 Participant A makes the rubric more student friendly by using the version seen on chart B because students are able to understand each section and how it measures their writing. Sommers describes the importance of rubrics clearly stating “expectations and assignment goals” which are clearly stated in the second rubric. This teacher, under the guidance of the school principal, went ahead and created a class rubric with the assistance of students (see Chart C below)

Chart C

She explained the process as followed, “I also have a student rubric that they created. And I have them grade their work. A couple weeks ago we got together, and I told them that we needed to create a classroom rubric that they could use on their work. It’s a guideline so they can [use]...they have to take ownership of their work.” By having student make their own rubric, the factors laid out by Sommers regarding rubrics are met. For example, the items in the rubric are specific to the assignments, the language of the rubric is the same as the language used in instruction, and it clearly states the expectations and goals of the assignments from the perspective of the students themselves. This is crucial in solidifying that students understand the way they their work is going to be assessed, therefore making them better writers in the process.